If an employee did not receive a written performance evaluation during the twelve (12) month period before bids are due (e.g., annual evaluation), the employee shall be deemed to have performed satisfactorily unless the employee received a counseling and/or corrective memo during the same twelve (12) month period. Each facility shall establish and maintain an up-to-date list, by inverse seniority of all full-time and part-time BU 17 employees (by classification). Enhanced Background Check. Each shall appoint their own co-chair. To be eligible for this exemption a position must meet both the "salary basis" and the "duties" test. If the total cost of this program exceeds four dollars ($4) per month per member, the employee and employer shall share equally in the cost of the program. Salary rates and salary ranges shall remain unchanged. Using the prestige or influence of the State or the appointing authority for the officer's or employee's private gain or advantage or the private gain of another. SEIU Local 1000 - Contract Well do whatever it takes to get these kinds of bogus adverse Current DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees who were initially placed on the salary schedule, based upon salary, establishes the individuals' qualifications for that range. CDCR management agrees to offer training in sexual assault to CTC RNs assigned to the Emergency Room. A BU 20 LVN may "bump" a scheduled registry LVN at any time during the month, provided the LVN gives the nursing supervisor, or their designee, seventy-two (72) hours' notice to enable them to notify the Registry that they will not be needed for the affected position. Accordingly, the parties agree that employees shall not practice, nor shall an employee be required to practice, in any manner which places the employee's license/certification in jeopardy. Consistent with the services which management has determined must be provided, FLSA-exempt employees are to be given discretion in establishing the employee's work hours. After sixty (60) days management shall decide whether or not to fill the position. CoBen information to BU 7, 16, 18, & 19 (CoBen has no waiting period for Delta). Vehicles (DMV) on August 29, 2018 to continue negotiations SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. The winning bidder shall report for work on the start date listed in the bid notice. If the Union and the department that review personal services contracts determine that the terms and purpose of the contract permit the State to assign the work to a bargaining unit employee who would otherwise be displaced, this shall be implemented consistent with the other terms of this section. The time when CTO may be taken shall be at the discretion of the State. However, the Union recognizes a department's right, within budgetary constraints, to require overtime, or the completion of work in progress by the employee performing the work at the time the determination was made that overtime was necessary or to assign the work to another appropriately classified employee from the volunteer list. on December 1, 2015. Effective July 1, 2020, no SEIU Local 1000 represented employee shall make less than $15/hour as a result of the implementation of PLP 2020. Employees must assume the assignment within sixty (60) days of the posting of the bid results. department representatives at the CDTFA/BOE headquarters building Telework Team Secures Agreement with the State; Eyes Upcoming Essential Worker Premium Pay Negotiations. The State and the Union agree to form a Joint Labor Management Classification Task Force (JLMTF) to study the Dispatcher Clerk/Dispatcher Clerk, Caltrans Classifications specifications. A rest period will not normally be granted during the first or last hour of the work shift. employees performing these duties and to get some additional To do this, we will meet with the state prior The Bargaining Unit 4 Upward Mobility Task Force met again on May 7, 2021, to continue the conversations and the work of reviewing the upward mobility program and process and writing recommendations for best practices. customer appointments at many Workforce Services Branch (WSB) Read more IL: BOMA Janitorial 2018-2021. The needs of the State include the right to fill vacant positions using existing eligible or promotional lists, involuntary transfers, reassignments, or other selection methods for reasons such as affirmative action, special skills, abilities or aptitudes. Employees' workweeks and/or work shifts shall not be permanently changed by the State without adequate prior notice. Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to negotiate the impact of The lists above as modified by any successful protest(s) shall be the sole determinants of seniority for post and bid selections during the respective bidding periods. movement by the state on key issues. If the Form 215 contains confidential or proprietary information, it shall be redacted as discussed below in subsection D (1). Unit 17 employees wishing to change shifts within the same ward or unit, if employed in a twenty-four (24) hour facility, shall submit a written request to the facility/program management or designee. Medical Facilit, On June 5, 2017, SEIU Local 1000 met and conferred with triers of fact for these hearings. members related to COVID-19. Upon meeting and conferring with the Union, CalHR and SPB approval, and certification of funds (Form 137) by all affected departments, the classification studies shall be implemented. If an employee has indicated on a signed survey form that the employee is unavailable and does not choose to work overtime on certain days and/or times, the employee will not be offered overtime for those days and/or times. It is not the State's intent to mandate BU 17 employees to work involuntary overtime in classifications other than the employee's own. Department of Human Resources (CalHR) to ensure the departments what we understand, CDTFA statewide started returning employees Seniority Post and Bid Lists: After the close of business on the final filing date for the position(s) being advertised, the hiring office will submit a list of the bids received to the Office of Human Resources (OHR) for calculation of the seniority scores. broad and did not impact any of our members unnecessarily. other classifications. Prior to initiating such actions, the Labor Relations Office should be contacted. Human Capital Management System (HCM) intended to modernize human The retirement quarter age/benefit factors apply for service rendered on and after the effective date of the 1999-2001 Memorandum of Understanding between the State and the Union. If an employee is called at home, and management reaches an answering machine/service, management will leave a message advising the employee of the overtime opportunity. Each year the training will be given at least once. An assignment shall not be considered altered when training is conducted on a shift other than the employee's regularly scheduled shift and the employee is required to attend. 2019-2021 SEIU Healthcare 1199NW. The needs of the State include the right to fill vacant positions using existing eligible or promotional lists, involuntary transfers, reassignments, or other selection methods for reasons such as affirmative action, special skills, abilities, or aptitudes. To ensure equitable volunteer overtime opportunity, BU 17 employees shall be provided an opportunity to choose a voluntary overtime slot once. The CDCR/CCHCS shall establish lists of BU 20 CNAs in seniority score order. We came together to fight for a contract we can all "Employees." comments and concerns of rank-and-file workers now in his charge. organizing/representation. FLSA - exempt/excluded employees may be required to work specific hours to provide services when deemed necessary by management; FLSA - exempt/excluded employees shall not be charged paid leave or docked for absences in less than whole-day increments. revenues that contribute more than $1 billion annually to the There shall be no mandatory overtime on an employee's RDO (an employee's RDO begins at the end of the employee's last scheduled shift in the workweek) or pre-approved day off, except: During an emergency situation declared by a Superintendent, Executive Director or designee; or. and training, risk assessments, safety inspections, comprehensive The following articles/sections of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as the articles/sections apply to Unit 4, unless stipulated otherwise, shall also apply to Seasonal Clerks. The QRP will make a decision on the appeal and notify the applicant in writing within ten (10) calendar days of the decision. The affected department shall, within twenty (20) calendar days, either grant or deny the requested exemption and inform the Union and the affected teacher in writing of the department's decision. Prior approval from management for the use of formal leave (e.g., vacation, sick leave, personal leave, personal day) for absences of an entire day or more is required. Employees who receive yearly evaluations which have two (2) or more categories marked below standard may lose the right to hold and/or bid assignments for up to six (6) months, subject to review in three (3) months. Courses included in programs leading to A.D.N., B.S., B.A., M.A., or Ph.D. in nursing, sociology, psychology, management or administration that are obtained after being employed as an RN II. We confirmed that DMV Every employee assigned to a call center will also be given access to information on workstation ergonomics. Notwithstanding section A above, Unit 14 employees who choose and have management approval to work a straight eight (8) hour shift, may be granted one thirty (30) minute break in lieu of the two (2) breaks described in section A. the provisions of Article 21.4. As such, the PEPRA changes to retirement formulas and pensionable compensation caps apply only to new CalPERS members subject to PEPRA as defined under PEPRA. The list will be a progression as described above. Grievances containing this article can not be appealed beyond the CDE level. vacation) accrual. Employees who are brought into CalPERS membership for the first time on or after January 1, 2013 and who are not eligible for reciprocity with another California public employer as provided in Government Code section 7522.02(c) shall be subject to the "PEPRA Retirement Formula." properly resourcing teleworking equipment and functions to ensure Each shall appoint their own co-chair. It is the State's policy to allow Unit 21 employees the exercise of professional judgment in the employee's work including work methods, objectives, and hours. The Committee will consist of up to four (4) Union representatives and up to four (4) State representatives. Unit 4 returned to the bargaining table on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 For the purposes of this section, the control periods are January 1 through June 30 and July 1 through December 31 of each calendar year. If the employee or crew performing the work declines the overtime, the State shall request volunteers in class by seniority on that given shift prior to assigning overtime. Deletion or Change of a Post: If an eligible post assignment/position is deleted or altered because of coverage or other legitimate operational needs, the employee in that post assignment/position shall be notified in writing at least fifteen (15) days prior to any change. California state employees represented by SEIU Local 1000 will receive a 4.55% raise when their full pay is restored next month under an agreement finalized Friday. Employees shall qualify for the second night shift pay differential of fifty-five cents ($.55) per hour where four (4) or more hours of the regularly scheduled work shift fall between 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. (JLMC) for the Fresno Covered California office, is building a Funded. against our members. We have been DMV is not prepared for the work of ROD to be done virtually, to the negotiation table to support the Seasonal Clerks in their Holidays are defined as those listed in section 7.1. There shall be no mandatory overtime on a BU 20 CNA's RDO or pre-approved day off, (for the purposes of this section, an employee's RDO begins immediately after completion of the employee's normal shift before the RDO) except: When the employees shift relief does not report for work or gave less than two (2) hours' notice of intent not to report for work, an employee may be mandated if no volunteer is available. Vice Chair: Jose Eric Alcaraz, CDCR. Start New Search. When employees are required to work through the employee's meal period, the State shall either adjust the employee's workweek schedule or credit the employee for the time worked. We had a Agreement status. properly resourcing teleworking equipment and functions to ensure Employees on any approved leave shall not be required to work standby duty. This victory allows our DMV members to enjoy their for our union, and our members, and an innovative new Information The parties recognize that when the State deems it necessary to fill a vacant position, the needs of the State must be given first priority. A current DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employee, shall be compensated in accordance with the current DJJ/CEA Unit 3 Salary Schedule for the county in which the employee's respective facility is located (Appendix C). 1000. The list will be titled, "Night Attendant Overtime List.". Such agreements may include: Contributing toward position reductions which would otherwise be accomplished by the layoff, salary reduction or displacement of bargaining unit employees; Enabling the employment of bargaining unit employees for services currently performed by contractors; Enabling of the conversion to bargaining unit civil service employment of qualified contract employees who wish to become State employees, as otherwise permitted by law, regulations, provisions of the contracts and resolutions by the SPB; Providing timely, adequate and necessary recruitment efforts. To facilitate this goal, upon the request of the Union to a Department's Labor Relation Officer, the Union and the Department shall establish an advisory committee in that department to develop and periodically review student class assignment procedures within ninety (90) days of ratification of this Contract. Seasonal Clerk work schedules will be provided to the individual and posted on a monthly basis. director, who is working with our CDTFA Joint Committee to client demands) and in accordance with Unit 15 provisions. job protection. Refresher training shall be provided at least annually and shall include a classroom component to the degree possible. An employee shall be provided with a current duty statement for the employee's position within fifteen (15) calendar days of the employee's request. In addition, permanent changes or cancellations to flexible work hours, alternate work schedules or reduced work time schedules shall not be made without prior adequate notice of at least thirty (30) calendar days to affected employees. set up individual options meetings very soon. facilities an area of great concern. The State agrees to conduct a classification review of the Exhibit Designer-Installer positions, used at the California Science Center. Such placement of employees will be done based on operational needs (i.e. As well, we clarified that the field is considered team met with Motor Vehicles (DMV) to meet and confer regarding the For CDCR, CDCR-DJJ, and CCHCS, departments that implement an annual post and bid, the seniority list shall be published according to the annual post and bid process described below. These assignments shall be counted neutral; that is, the employee shall not be counted in either Management's or Union's positions. Upon ten (10) workdays advance notice the department will allow the employee to use a State owned or leased vehicle or equipment appropriate for the Class A and/or Class B commercial driver's license examination. Department of Tax and Fee Administration and the Office of Tax Deadline for bid submittal and where to be submitted. is a possibility for this to change in the future. Training shall cover at least: (1) the role of the call center within the department; (2) telephone technique; (3) procedures; (4) all subject matters that an employee is expected to handle; (5) shall be trained on how to properly escalate problem callers; and (6) ergonomic training. This means ensuring that Unit 4 workers are Thereafter, a PI employee will be eligible for annual leave credit with pay in accordance with the schedule in section 8.1(C), on the first day of the qualifying monthly pay period following completion of each period of one hundred sixty (160) hours of paid employment. fighting for the implementation of. The affected employees shall be surveyed to determine the preferred work schedule. handling DUI cases in the APS unit. Prior to new procedures, laws or policies going into effect the department shall provide instruction and/or information sufficient for the employee to implement the change(s). program. CTO may be taken only in units of time of fifteen (15) minutes or multiples thereof. effective workplace organizing.. won in contract negotiations. The arbitrator's decision regarding out-of-class and misallocation grievances shall be final and binding on the parties. The improved quarter factors also apply to past service that is credited under the State Safety retirement category. Normally, an employee who has an accumulation of two hundred forty (240) hours or thirty (30) days of authorized overtime shall not be required to work additional overtime. When an employee is required to work twelve (12) to sixteen (16) hours that employee shall not be mandated to work overtime the next calendar day. Unit 15 employees who are not covered by a Post and Bid Agreement and who request a work assignment or shift change not involving a geographic relocation shall submit a written request to the facility/program management or designee. Employees who withdraw will be assigned at management's discretion. members at the State Special Schools who were struggling with An updated seniority roster and a listing of all available assignments open for bid shall be posted no later than October 1 every other year. Our last contract with San Joaquin County expired on October 20, 2022. policy. If the State does not schedule CTO within one year from the date the overtime was earned, the State must provide cash payment for the overtime or may, at the request of the employee, extend the time the employee can take CTO. who are currently teleworking and in the office one (1) day a state. office workday. use of mandatory overtime and other chronic issues. Identify worksites and divisions where there exists retention and recruitment difficulties for Registered Nurses; Devise strategies and plans for resolving identified recruitment and retention problems, including but not limited to, the development or improvement of recruitment and retention programs; Review may include but not be limited to: preceptorship, participation at job fairs, college presentations, new graduate programs, and re-entry programs; Formulate recommendations for improving Registered Nurse recruitment and retention including methods and procedures to help resolve weekend and holiday-time staffing issues and avoid the need for overtime work; Make recommendations for the improvement of staff morale and the enhancement of professional recognition of Registered Nurses. Only courses with a grade of "C" or better, or the numerical equivalent of a "C" or better, are accepted in fulfillment of college unit requirements. Monitored calls shall not be used for discipline purposes unless the behavior is of a serious nature. a decade ago. The State shall make reasonable efforts to avoid involuntary transfers. CDPH stated they support telework department-wide and see The appeal consists of a personal interview with the QRP and submission of any additional relevant information or material applicant wishes to offer. If the telework arrangement conforms to telework criteria established in the department's telework policy and guidelines, no employee's request for telework shall be unreasonably denied. This increase will account for the previously negotiated The employee and the Union will be notified within five (5) working days of denial. During this session, a full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employee shall be: Employees who worked the July 13, 2006 through August 6, 2006 Intersession shall have this time counted for purposes of retirement. Except for employees who are assigned to a straight eight (8) hour shift, full-time employees shall normally be allowed a meal period of not less than thirty (30) minutes or not more than sixty (60) minutes which shall be scheduled near the middle of the work shift. If the Bank is not exhausted, by June 30 in a fiscal year, any remaining donated days of sick leave shall remain in the Bank and any balance will be carried over into succeeding years and shall not be returned to the donors. had filed against the Department in late September due to a lack For the purpose of this provision "seniority" is defined as one (1) point for each qualifying month of full-time state service. SEIU Local 1000 shall be given a copy of the training program sixty (60) days prior to its implementation. Any employee whose calls are monitored shall promptly be given a copy of any report generated and feedback on every call monitored. Services (CCHCS) executive management to discuss the departments current paper-driven business processes with No Saturday Service in Field Offices on Veterans Day and The table below lists the State Safety age/benefit factors for State Safety A, State Safety B, and PEPRA Safety retirement formulas.