Read the entire letter below: GMB will be running briefings on the offer and our pay campaign for reps and members. Victorian politicians win 2.5% pay rise, union says increase should Date: 11/01/2021. "Disappointing" council pay offer ignores huge Covid-19 - GMB Further to recent updates, we wanted to keep you informed as to developments in the 2021 pay offer. Pay increase agreed but strike threat remains for some | Local Best wishes, Despite this, we are continuing to push for the agreement from the other unions in the hope that we can still get this paid and March and will update you very shortly with an update. The LGA is strongly encouraging all councils to ensure they are represented at regional meetings taking place throughout this month, organised by the National Employers which negotiates local government pay on behalf of councils, to understand the difficult choices it is facing. Please ensure your details are up to date as only GMB members will geta vote in our ballot. At this meeting a timetable will be agreed for a pay ballot. Public service pensions increase . We put all Local Government, Councils, Schools and Academies Pay updates covered by the NJC on the GMB website, so please visit to find out the latest. After a decade of funding and pay cuts, you and your colleagues across local councils, schools and essential services are fighting the crisis of a generation as key workers protecting the public from Covid-19. This means all members will now get a vote to decide on whether to take strike action to stop these pay cuts. The joint union NJC Pay Claim for 2022 has now been submitted to employers for their consideration. We will inform the employers of the result and are awaiting the outcome of the ballots of our sister unions. Thank you to the tens of thousands of GMB members that took part in the Have Your Say On Your Pay Local Government and Schools Consultative ballot across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. 22 Stephenson Way London Recruit a member - Strength in numbers! A one-off COVID-19 recognition payment that covers all NJC workers, Introduction of a homeworking allowance for all staff who are working from home, The introduction of a school support staff retention payment scheme, supported by Green Book guidance. Local Government workers know they need a proper pay rise and this isnt it. Terms and Conditions | Built by 89up, Latest bulletin for local government workers: NJC 2022 PAY OFFER, Government offers civil servants 1.5% pay rise in revised offer The 2022/23 Local Government & Schools Pay offer is for one year and is as follows: With effect from 1 April 2022, an increase of 1,925 on all NJC pay points 1 and above (FTE). The three trade unions in their response rejecting the pay offer of 1.75% from 1 April 2021, asked the National Employers to consider re-opening the negotiations to seek an improvement. SLCC | Local Government Pay Claim 2021/22 IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE GMB IS CAMPAIGNING FOR A HUGE TURNOUT TO DEMONSTRATE TO YOUR EMPLOYERS WE WONT ACCEPT FURTHER PAY CUTS. A 250 consolidated pay increase on pay points 7 to 18 (inclusive) on the PSC pay spine with effect from 1 September 2021 (to be backdated) A 2.1 per cent consolidated increase on pay. To discuss pay and to build support for the pay rise. An Academy? Public sector pay - House of Commons Library GMB continues to press the Local Government employers to get back round the table and improve the pay offer. Your local GMB branch/office will be contacting you shortly to discuss the pay offer and let you know how you can vote in this important pay ballot Make sure you have your say on pay. Public sector pay rise pledge expected to 'set tone' of future pay Government and your employers need to understand that you simply cant be expected to accept further below inflation pay awards and we will need to send a message that unless they table a decent rise, our members will not accept it. The measure will hit lower paid workers hard and should be scrapped. Otherwise, local government and education employees will quit for sectors paying better rates.". . [1] Unite council staff 'support industrial action', after voting All results are being analysed by regional teams toidentifypotential local campaigning targets outside of this national pay claim. London, Employment Cost Index Summary - 2022 Q04 Results - Bureau of Labor Organise a meeting to discuss pay and to build support for the pay ballot using our campaign resources. Local government pay is negotiated between the National Joint Councils employer and union representatives. The more people who join GMB, the stronger we can make your work better. Unions representing 750,000 council and school support staff across England, Wales and Northern Ireland today (Friday) criticised the 1.5% pay offer made by the Local Government Association GMB, Unite and Unison submitted a joint pay claim to the local government employers in February for a 10% pay rise. The vital contribution of our members comes on the back of 10 years of austerity during which the value of many employees pay has dropped by 20% in real terms. 2021 Government, Councils & Schools Pay offer is as follows: The employers have also agreed to joint discussions on the following: GMB expressed dismay at the opening offer of 1.5% tabled by your employers earlier this year. Terms and conditions I welcome the recommendations relating to teachers' terms and conditions. The employers 1.75% offer is wholly inadequate and with energy bills skyrocketing, shopping bills going up, and inflation high and rising, it represents yet another pay cut for workers who have seen a quarter of the value of their pay wiped out since 2010. Wilko bosses should hang their heads in shame. Recruit a member - Strength in numbers! From 1 April 2023, the National Living Wage (NLW) will increase by 9.7 per cent to 10.42 an hour for workers aged 23 and over. We represent over 500,000 working people. SW1A 2HQ, Rachel Harrison GMBs consultative ballot on the NJC Pay Offer for 2022/23 has now closed. GMB Union operates nationally and also locally through 7 regional offices. Council employees' improved pay offer announced | Local Government The total public sector pay bill was around 235 billion in the 2021/22 financial year - with central government pay (which includes UK government departments, parliament, most public bodies and the devolved administrations) costing about 165 billion and local government about 70 billion. SW1P 4DF, Rachel Harrison Multiplier tables. Recruit a member - Strength in numbers! A commitment to ensure adult social care workers receive at least the Real Living Wage of 9.50 an hour has been agreed with COSLA. Separate guidance applies to councils in Wales and Northern Ireland. The headline results are as follows: 45% of respondents would be willing to accept a 10% pay increase to at least maintain standard of living, with the mean settlement across all responses being 7.4% Unite's local government staff have voted overwhelmingly in a consultative ballot to reject the 'insulting' pay offer of 1.75 per cent and are supportive of taking industrial action for pay justice.. Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: "Our members have made a huge contribution to keep public services running during the continuing Covid crisis. Local Government Pay 2021 You will recall that in February the unions lodged their pay claim for: During March, councils in each of the nine English regions, plus Wales and Northern Ireland, were consulted at virtual regional pay briefings. The measure will hit lower paid workers hard and should be scrapped. Scottish authorities are to receive an extra 100m funding in a last-minute addition to Holyrood's Budget. Members of the National Employers Side This includes 1 billion of new grant funding in 2023-24 and 1.7 billion in 2024-25, further flexibility on council tax, and savings from delaying the rollout of adult social care charging reforms. A debt limit increase under unified Democratic government in 2010 even included the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, a fiscally responsible piece of legislation serving as a backstop to deficit increases caused by Congress that, unfortunately, has never been allowed to go into effect. Unison had recommended its members oppose local government employers' 'full and final' offer for the pay period from April 2021 to March 2022, which offered most staff a 1.75% increase and those on the lowest pay a 2.75% rise. You will be aware that the employers made a pay offer of 1.5% for 2021. Unions reject 'insulting' pay offer for council social workers Make sure you get your ballot paper and vote if you have not received your ballot paper, please contact your local GMB Region or Branch Office, Tuesday 10th August 2021