Effective: July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2025 . TASP (Principals) Salary Schedule 2022-25. View the HR Collective Bargaining Agreement archive . To support local negotiations, the K-12 Presidents' Council and Support Staff Unions bargains with BCPSEA at the provincial level to develop a Provincial Framework Agreement. 2017-2019. 2021-23 agreements (current) Current agreements covering July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023. stream Collective bargaining is also referred to as a contract negotiation. Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) - RSD407 Sergeants Benevolent Association MOA 2018-2021. 575 Andover Park West Suite 205 Tukwila, WA 98188. Collective Bargaining Agreements. State Department of Transportation - MOU. Your relationship with the administration and with the board is very valued. This proposal also financially makes sense because they did not make outrageous demands, she added. Collective Agreements e-Library Portal - Ontario THE REGULAR POLICEMEN, EXCEPT THE CHIEF OF POLICE, OF THE BOROUGH OF VANDERGRIFT, The Wage Policy Committee of Washington Township Police Department, West Leechburg Borough- Maintenance and Waste Collection, Tunkhannock Borough Police Officers Association, CARROLL TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT, Hellam Township Police Officer's Association, HANOVER BOROUGH POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION, Lower Windsor Township Police Officers Association, Greater Hanover Professional Firefighters Association, THE PENN TOWNSHIP PATROLMAN'S ASSOCIATION, Penn Township- Public Works, Recycling, Sewer, Spring Garden Township Police Officers Association, HE SPRINGETTSBURY TOWNSHIP POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION, West Manchester Township Police Officers Association, THE WEST MANHEIM TWP. Board member Ed Tate noted that while negotiations were done in private, a well informed board was deeply involved behind the scenes engaging in multiple discussions with CREA. There will be a pre-session hosted by admissions counselors from University of Washington at 5:30, a college and career fair from 6-7, and more seminars, including one about Running Start, from 7:10-8: . A committee shall be appointed by the Director of Human Resources and the President of the Association to determine a lasting solution to when teachers lose their preparation periods due to not having substitute coverage. Its real teamwork and we especially appreciate the extra efforts our teachers have made over the past two difficult years. council rock school district collective bargaining agreement Collective bargaining is a process of negotiation between an employer and a group of employees aimed at agreements to regulate working salaries, working conditions, benefits, and other aspects of workers' compensation and rights for workers. 436 2021-2024. except as agreed under Article XIV of this Agreement. Lincoln University Faculty CBA, 2022-2025, Final. The Department of Labor Relations represents the School Board and the Superintendent in negotiations with four employee organizations: The Service Employees International Union/Florida Public Services Union (SEIU/FPSU) CBAs | olrcb - Washington, D.C. ait
qUs5ihSHTS2QSVySRgA dgmbE:a;%bVui5?,,eo)sE\5bpZ Well deserved contract.. is intended to alter or impair school district collective bargaining agreements that are in effect on October 19, 2017. Public School Entity Employer and Employee Collective Bargaining Pa.'s top paying school districts: Who pays the biggest salaries? The Pennridge School District offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits plan. For any concerns or questions regarding discrimination, equity, Title II, CCR Title 5 or Title IX, please contact: Dr. RoseMarie Hickman, Coordinator, Human Resources, Corona-Norco Unified School District, 2820 Clark Avenue Norco, CA 92860, (951) 736-5000 Contact Dr. Hickman For any allegations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of . National Council on Teacher Quality. CONTACT INFORMATION . FOP Unit 3 Dec 2022 to Nov 2023. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT - Cincinnati COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT . The Plymouth Bay Cultural District; Departments. as the exclusive representative for collective bargaining for all employees included in the bargaining . Phillip Rock Center . Current Contracts. Single Sign-On. The 2021-23 Collective Bargaining Agreement for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (Custodians) AFSCME 2021-2023- Final. REA Collective Bargaining Agreement (2021-2024) REA Salary Schedule (2022-2023) Rainier Public School Employees (PSE) Bus drivers, custodial, food service, maintenance, paraeducators and secretarial staff. CURRENT STATUS: . Teacher Contract . Bridgeport Police Local 1159 and Council 4, AFSCME, AFL-CIO. Nothing in chapter 13, Laws of 2017 3rd sp. School Crossing Guard Executed Contract 2017-2021. Collective Bargaining / M&D - PA.Gov MS Coaches 2022-23 Salary Schedule. OEA Salaries 2022-2023. Local 150 Transportation July 2022 - June 2026. CUPE 4165 Collective Agreement. State Sub-Unit Agreement Corrections Line Staff. Collective Bargaining - Rochester School District (2018). . 110, Mercer County- Caseworkers, Clerical, Clerk Typists, Fiscal Assistants, and Case Aides, Mercer County Deputy Sheriffs Association, Mercer County- Courthouse Employees, 911 Center Employees, UNITED STEEL, PAPER, AND FORESTRY, RUBBER, MANUFACTURING, ENERGY, ALLIED INDUSTRIAL AND SERVICE WORKERS INTERNANTIONAL UNIONLOCAL 1355-04 and LOCAL 1355-05, Mifflin County- Children and Youth Caseworkers, Probations Officers, UNITED STEEL, PAPER AND FORESTRY, RUBBER, MANUFACTURING, ENERGY, ALLIED INDUSTRIAL AND SERVICE WORKERS INTERNATIONAL UNION, AFL-CIO.CLC Local 1940-04, Monroe County- Employees in the Sheriff's Office, Prothonotary's Office, Register of Wills/Recorder of Deeds Office, Coroner's Office, Public Defender's Office and the District Attorney's Office, Monroe County- Professional Court Related Employees, Monroe County- Court Appointed Non-Professional Employees, Monroe County Probation Officers Association, Monroe County- Employees of Children and Youth Services, Area Agency on Aging, Montgomery County- Professional Employees in the Offices of Domestic Relations, Adult Probation, and Juvenile Probation, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 88 Local 1582, Montgomery County- Non-Professional Employees in the Offices of Sheriff, Prothonotary, Register of Wills, Clerk of Courts, District Attorney, Public Defender, Coroner, and Jury Board, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 88 Local 676, Montgomery County- Youth Center Secure Detention Counselors or YFAs, Montour County- Professional Human Service Employees- CASEWORKERS AND FISCAL TECHNICIANS IN THE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES, Montour County- Prison Guards, Sergeants, Correctional Officers, Montour County- ADULT PROBATION OFFICERS, JUVENILE PROBATION OFFICERS, AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 88 Local 2549, Northampton County- Court-Appointed Non-Professional Employees, Northampton County- Gracedale Nursing Home Employees- Licensed Practice Nurse, Nursing Attendant, Per Diem Licensed Practical Nurse, Per Diem Nursing Attendant, Cooks Helper, Second Cook, Third Cook, Therapeutic Recreation Assistant, Therapeutic Recreation Aide, Seamstress, Beautician, Storekeeper, Laundry Machine Operator, Finishers, Laundry Utility Workers, Dietary Aide, Dietary Utility Worker, Driver Utility Person, Unit Clerk, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 88 Local 1435, Northampton County- Residual Non-Professional Employees, Northampton County- Youth Detention Center Unit Employees, Northampton County- Court-Related Non-Professional Employees, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY DEPUTY SHERIFF'S ASSOCIATION, Northampton County- Area Agency on Aging Employees, Northampton County- Graceadale Nursing Home- N-1 Nurses, Social Service Coordinators, THE UNITED STEEL, PAPER AND FORESTRY, RUBBER, MANUFACTURING, ENERGY, ALLIEDINDUSTRIAL AND SERVICE WORKERSINTERNATIONAL UNIONAFL CIO, CLCLU 2599, Northumberland County- COURT RELATED NON-PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 86 Local 2016, Northumberland County- NON-COURT RELATED RESIDUAL EMPLOYEES, Northumberland County- Correctional Employees, Northumberland County- Employees in Court Administration, Domestic Relations, Adult Probation, Juvenile Probation, District Magistrates' Offices and District Attorneys Offices and court reporters, tipstaves, and criers, Northumberland County- Supervisory, Professional, and Non-pPofessional Employees in the Child Welfare, Youth Service and Mental Health-Mental Retardation Departments, Aging, Drug & Alcohol, Clerk Typist Supervisors, including all First Level Supervisors, Northumberland County- Non-supervisory, Professional, and Non-Professional Employees in the Child Welfare, Youth Service and Mental Health Departments, including all Caseworkers, Social Service Aides, Clerk Stenographers, Clerk Typist, Drug and Alcohol Treatment Specialist, Drug and Alcohol Prevention Specialist & Trainee, Therapeutic Activity Aide, Social Service Aide, Aging Care Managers, INTERNATIONAL UNION OF SECURITY, POLICE AND FIRE PROFESSIONALS OF AMERICA LOCAL 502, Northumberland County- ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEYS, ASSISTANT PUBLIC DEFENDERS, SPECIAL COUNSEL, Northumberland County- COURT APPOINTED PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, Northumberland County- COURT RELATED, COURT APPOINTED, PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, Perry County- Children and Youth Caseworkers & Office of Aging Care Mangers, Perry County- COURT-APPOINTED PROFESSIONAL AND NON-PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, COURT-RELATED NON-PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, Perry County- Sergeants and Correctional Officers, Pike County- Employees in the Children and Youth Service Department and Area Agency on Aging Department, Probation Officers Association and the Probation Officer Supervisors Association, Potter County- Residual, Court Appointed, and Court Related Employees, Potter County- Professional and Non-Professional Employees of the Department of Human Services- Caseworker, Caseworker Trainee, Teacher, Residential Program Worker, Residential Program Worker Trainee, Personnel Assistant, Administrative Assistant, Clerk Typist, Custodial Worker, Homemaker, Volunteer Coordinator, Fiscal Assistant, and Human Services Aide, Schuylkill County- COUNTY OFFICE OF SENIOR SERVICES EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 89 Local 1512, Schuylkill County- County Courthouse Employees, Schuylkill County- Professional and Non-Professional Court-Appointed Employees in the offices of District Justice, Juvenile Probation, Adult Probation, Court Administration, Court Stenographer, Domestic Relations, Law Library, Records Management, and Courts, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY COURT-RELATED UNION "UNIT I", Schuylkill County- Clerks, Criminal Information Processors, Processing Specialists, and Secretaries, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY COURT RELATED UNION - "UNIT II", Schuylkill County- CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES AGENCY Employees, Snyder County- Prison Employees- Prison Guards, Correctional Officers, Secretaries, Cooks, Maintenance, and Nurses, Somerset County- Employees in a residual Commissioners Unit- Caseworkers and Clerks -- Children and Youth Services; Radio Operators; Cooks-Prison; Mail Clerks, Secretaries and Central Supply Clerks -- Commissioners' Office; Secretaries -- Voter Registration and Elections; Mappers, Assessors, Field Assessors and Secretaries -- Planning Commission; Secretaries --Agriculture Extension; Secretaries -- Conservation District; Secretaries --Civil Defense; Clerks --Treasurer's Office; Clerks -- Tax Claim Office; Clerks -- Recorder of Deeds; Maintenance Employees; Center Managers, Meal Drivers, Clerks, Information and Data Manager, Senior Center Directors, Maintenance Employees, Custodial Employees, Food Service Workers, Care Managers, Fiscal Employees, Community Health Nurse-Area Agency on Aging, Somerset County- Probation Officers and Probation Officer Intern in the Offices of Adult and Juvenile Probation and Parole; Collection Officers; Community Service Workers; Hearing and Enforcement Officers in the Office of Domestic Relations; and Investigative and Mediation Officers in the Office of Child Custody, SOMERSET COURT ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, Susquehanna County- Court-Appointed Employees in the Offices of Court Administrator, Domestic Relations, Juvenile Probation, Adult Probation, and District Justices, Susquehanna County- Court-Related Employees in the Office of District Attorney, Register & Recorder, Public Defender, Prothonotary Clerk of Courts, and Sheriff, Susquehanna County- Professional Employees in the Office of Children & Youth Services, Susquehanna County-Residual, Non-Professional Employees, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 86 Local 2781, Venango County- Non-Professional Employees Residual Unit, Warren County- COURT APPOINTED UNIT EMPLOYEES, NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF FIREMEN & OILERS, DISTRICT OF LOCAL 32 BJ SEIU, CHAPTER22W, Warren County- COURT RELATED UNIT EMPLOYEES, NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF FIREMEN & OILERS, DISTRICT OF LOCAL 32BJ SEIU CHAPTER 22W, Washington County- Professional Employees Appointed to the Adult and Juvenile Probation Offices of the Court of Common Pleas, DEPUTY SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON COUNTY LOCAL 900, IUPA, AFL - CIO, Washington County- Prison Corrections Officers, Washington County- Court Related and Court Appointed Employees, Washington County- CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES EMPLOYEES, Washington County- non-professional employees in the departments of: Tax Revenue, Weights and Measures, Aging Services, Miscellaneous Administrative, Flood Control, Parks and Recreation, Veterans Services, Liquid Fuels, Planning, Airport, Elections, Jail, Information and Technology, Human Services, Central Purchasing, Facilities, Public Safety, Treasurer, Controller, and Recorder of Deeds, Washington County- ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEYS AND PUBLIC DEFENDERS, GENERAL TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS AND HELPERS LOCAL NO. `eF6 Below are contractual agreements between East Aurora School District 131 and the unions that represent employee groups. School Teachers - MFPE (051) Collective Bargaining Agreement . Below are links to the most recent Collective Bargaining Agreements between our unions and Hartford Public Schools. Board member Yota Palli added, I want our teachers to know that they are extremely valued, that the board really cares about them. School District Collective Bargaining - Superintendent of Schools Salary Under a three year contract, the following salary adjustments would occur: 1. Principals Contract Summary 2022-23. storm in the night central message Facebook-f object to class cast java Instagram. SD 8 Kootenay Lake. 1058, WAGE POLICY COMMITTEE OF Tl IE CITY OF AR.i"\JOLD POLICE DEPARTMENT, Construction, General Laborers and Material Handlers, Local Union 1058, Latrobe City- Clerical, Public Works, Community Service Employees, NITED STEEL, PAPER and FORESTRY, RUBBER, MANUFACTURING, ENERGY, ALLIED INDUSTRIAL and SERVICE WORKERS INTERNATIONAL UNION Local 1324-29, THE WAGE AND POLICY COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF LOWER BURRELL POLICE DEPARTMENT, Monessen City- Clerical, Streets, Parks Employees, Wage Policy Committee of the City of New Kensington Police, New Kensington City- Clerks, Bookkeepers, Cell Watchers, United Steel, Paper, Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, CLC on behalf of its members of Local 1408-7, United Steel, Paper, Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, CLC, on behalf of its members of Local 1408-5, Delmont Borough Police Wage & Policy Committee, Derry Borough Police Officers Association, of Derry Borough, Construction, General Laborers' Local Union 1451, Greensburg City- Public Works, Parks, Admin, Development, Public Operations, Hempfield Township- Public Works, Secretaries, Irwin Police Officers' Relief Association, JEANNETTE POLICE OFFICER'S BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, Jeannette City- Streets and Sanitation Employees, Construction General Laborers' Local Union 1451, FULL TIMEmembers of the Mount Pleasant Police Departmen, Mount Pleasant Borough- Street Department, The United Steel, Paper & Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial & Service Workers International Union AFL-CIO-CLC,on behalf of Local Union 14693-68, Mount Pleasant Township- Clerical and Operators, POLICE OFFICERS OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF MURRYSVILLE, CONSTRUCTION, GENERAL LABORERS AND MATERIAL HANDLERS, LOCAL UNION NO. Rainier Education Association (REA) Teachers and other certificated staff. Bargaining Agreements and Salary Schedules - Clover Park School District Negotiated Agreement: ACE Agreement July, 2021 - Jun, 2024 ACE website: www.ace4425.org . MFPE (068-069) Collective Bargaining Agreement . Union contracts spell out not just salaries and benefits, but also information about class size, employee evaluations, school calendars, and more. SEA/SEIU Local 1984. 279 American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024. News Briefs for March 2, 2023 - Tahoma School District As a matter of information, Compensation Unit 1 is comprised of white-collar . The Collective Agreement e-Library Portal houses public and private sector collective agreements in Ontario. collective bargaining agreement between the neshaminy board of school directors and the neshaminy federation of teachers local 1417, american federation of teachers pennsylvania, american federation of teachers, a.f.l. Collective Bargaining Agreement 2021-23. 2022-2023 260 Day Calendar. The Mercer Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military . Calendar: 1820 Building - Rope Walk | Town of Plymouth MA Blaine School District 765 H Street Blaine, WA 98230 Phone: (360) 332-5881 Fax: (360) 332-7568. policies such as budget matters, technology use, organizational structure, and the direction, number, and selection of personnel. Central Bucks School District. District 131 - Negotiated Agreements and Compensation Human Resources & Payroll / Contracts & Salary Schedules employees, Cambria County- Court Related Non-Professional Employees 2A, Cambria County- Human Services Professional Staff 2D- Case workers, Social Workers, PSA, Community Health, RNI, Care Managers, Specialitsts, Cambria County- Court Appointed Non-Professional Employees 2H, Cambria County- Non-Court Employees- Clerk, Clerk Typist, Account Clerk, Maintenance Workers, Watchman, Custodian, Accounting Assistant 1A, AFL-CIO/AFSCME District Council 83 Local 2411, Cambria County- Professional Employees 10A, Cambria County Court Association of Professional Employees, Cambria County- Deputy Sheriffs, Security Guards 12A, Cambria County Deputy Sheriffs' Association, Cambria County- Court Related Professional Employees 2A- Public Defenders, District Attorneys, Cambria County- Human Services Professional Staff 2C- Clerical Support Staff, Van Drivers, Cambria County- Human Services Professional/Supervisory 2E-Fiscal Officer, Casework Supervisor, Care Manager Supervisor, Cambria County- Human Services Support Staff Supervisors- First Line Supervisors/Non-Professionals 2F, Fraternal Order of Police, Flood City Lodge #86, Cambria County- Prison Guards, Correctional Officers, Records Officers, and Cooks, Carbon County- Court Appointed Professional Employees Domestic Relations, Probation Officers, Deputy Chief Probation Officers, AFSCME, AFL-CI O DI STRICT COUNCIL 87 AND LOCAL 2483, Carbon County-Court House Positions Clerk, Sternographer, Receptionist, Assessor, GIS Technician, Mapper, Aide, 911 Operator, Dispatcher, Maintenance, Custodial, LPN, AFSCME, AFL-CIO DISTRICT COUNCIL 87 AND LOCAL 2483, Carbon County- Sheriff Department Deputy Sheriffs, Sgt, Lt, Chester County Detectives Benevolent Association, Chester County-Court Appointed Professionals, Chester County- Human Services Professional Employees, Clearfield County- Non-Professional Court Related Employees, Clearfield County- Non-Court Related Professional Employees- Children and Youth Services, Clearfield County- Non-Professional County Residual Unit Employees, Clearfield County- Prison Employees, Correction Officers, Clearfield County Association of Professional Employees, Clinton County- CORRECTIONS OFFICERS, COOKS AND MAINTENANCE WORKERS AT THE CLINTON COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, Clinton County- Court Related and Court Appointed Employees, Clinton County- COOKS AT THE CLINTON COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, Clinton County- CORRECTIONS OFFICERS, UTILITY OFFICERS AT THE CLINTON COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, Clinton County- salaries for CORRECTIONS OFFICERS, COOKS AND MAINTENANCE WORKERS AT THE CLINTON COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, Clinton County- salaries for Court Related and Court Appointed Employees, Columbia County- Adult Probation Officers, Juvenile Probation Officers and Domestic Relations Enforcement Officers, Columbia County- Employees in the Sheriffs Office, Prothonotary-Clerk of Courts Office and the Register of Wills-Recorder of Deeds Office, Columbia County- Clerks, Typists, Administrative Assistants, Field Assessors, Budget-Payroll Coordinators, Apprentice Trades, Maintenance Specialists, Columbia County- Correction Officers, Corporals, Sergeants, Crawford County- Court Appointed Unit- Adult and Juvenile Probation Officers and Clerical; Domestic Relations Section employees; District Justice Assistants; Offices of the Judges Tipstaves; Court Reporters; Friends of Youth non-management, non-supervisory, non-confidential, and non-guard Employees, Crawford County- Court Related Employees- Non-professional employees in the Offices of the Prothonotary, Clerk of Courts, Register of Wills and Recorder of Deeds, Sheriff, District Attorney, Public Defender and Coroner, Crawford County- FIRST LEVEL SUPERVISORS RESIDUAL PROFESSIONAL UNIT, Crawford County- Professional Employees- Caseworkers and County Social Service Aides in Mental Health/Intellectually Disabled Bureau, Children and Youth Services, Registered Nurses and Social Service Assistants at the Crawford County Care Center, and Planning Technicians and Assistant Planners of the Planning Commission, Crawford County- Non-Professional Employees- Assessment Office, Planning Office, Switchboard, Treasurers Office, Bridge and County Workforce, Voter Registration, Crawford County Department of Public Safety, Office of Veterans Services, Print Room, Mental Health Intellectual Disabilities, and Children and Youth Services, Crawford County- Crawford County Care Center Non-Professional Employees, AFL-CIO/ SEIU HEALTHCARE PENNSYLVANIACTW, CLC, Cumberland County- CLAREMONT NURSING AND REHABILITATION CENTER Employees, Cumberland County- Deputy Sheriffs and Security Guards, Cumberland County- Court Appointed Professionals- Adult Probation Officers, Juvenile Probation Officers, and Domestic Relations Conference Officers, Dauphin County- Court Appointed Professionals- ADULT/JUVENILE PROBATION AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS, Dauphin County- COURT-APPOINTED NON-PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO/ AFSCME District Council 90 Local 2800, Dauphin County- Court Related Non-Professionals in the Sheriffs Department, District Attorneys Office Clerk of Courts, Prothonotarys Office Register of Wills Office, Public Defenders Office, Coroners Office, Dauphin County- DAUPHIN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS- Correctional Officers, Sergeants, Maintenance, Records Office, Dauphin County- Children and Youth Services, Delaware County- Case Coordinators, Case Workers, and Aging Manager, Delaware County- Clerks, Social Workers, Case Workers, Delaware County- Fair Acres Center Service Employees, Delaware County- Fair Acres Center Staff Nurses, Fair Acres Nurses Association/Pennsylvaa Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals, Delaware County Park Police Independent Union, Delaware County- Row Office and Judicial District Employees, Delaware County- Transfer Station Employees, Elk County- Court of Common Pleas Probation Officers, ELK COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES, Elk County- Residual Commissioners Unit employees, UNITED MINE WORKERS OF AMERICA INTERNATI ONAL UNION, AFL-CIO-CLC AND LOCAL UNION 8923, UNITED MINE WORKERS OF AMERICA INTERNATIONAL UNION, AFL-CIO-CLC AND LOCAL UNION 8923, Erie County- Chief County Detective, Deputy Chief, Lieutenant, Detective Sergeant, County Detectives, Erie County- PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES OF THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH OFFICE, Erie County- CLERICAL/TECHNICAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO/ AFSCME District Council 85 Local 2666, Erie County- PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES OF THE HEALTH, PLANNING, PUBLIC DEFENDER AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENTS, Erie County- Professional Employees Appointed by the Court of Common Pleas, ERIE COURT ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES (ECAPE), Fayette County- Child & Youth Services Employees, Fayette County- employees of Domestic Relations, Orphans Court, Common Pleas Court, Probation, Magisterial District Justices, Building Department, Bridge Department, Emergency Management, Board of Commissioners, FCBHA clerical workers, Recorder of Deeds, Treasurer's Office, County Controllers and all elected row offices which are non-court related, Fayette County- Court Appointed Employees- adult and juvenile probations offices, domestic relations, and law library employees, Franklin County- Juvenile Probation Officers, BARJ Coordinator, Adult Probation Officers, Domestic Relations Hearing Officers, and Domestic Relations Enforcement Officers, GENERAL TEAMSTERS AND ALLIED WORKERS LOCAL 992, Fulton County- Probation Officers in Adult Probation and Juvenile Probation and Domestic Relations Hearing Officers, Greene County- HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES, Greene County- pay scale for Corrections Officers, Greene County- Non-Professional Employees for the Commissioner's Office, Court Related, and Court Appointed Employees, Greene County- pay scale for Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs, Greene County- All SEIU Represented Employees, INDEPENDENT CORRECTION OFFICERS OF PENNSYLVANIA LODGE NO.