The fellowship must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for BBSRC funding. In previous rounds, host organisations have offered significant additional financial support, items of equipment or access to additional staff members or students to our fellows. Identify the organism or organisms as a plant, animal or microbe and specify the species and which of the 3 categories the research relates to. Then, contact the funding service helpdesk onsupport@funding-service.ukri.organd include your application name and number in the subject line, after the pre-populated words sensitive information. In assessing proposals, the committee will consider: As such, your research proposal should be sound and of a novelty and timeliness that will add to the understanding of the research area. Please see the fellowship handbook (PDF, 333KB) for further details on eligibility criteria. You must show that you have the potential to become a future research leader. In all cases, the length of the fellowship must be extended accordingly on a pro-rata basis. For help on costings and writing your application, contact your research office. There are up to 15 fellowships available. Please see the BBSRC policy on resubmissions and revised submissions for further details. Individuals demonstrating an upward track to pursuing working independently within a host organisation are eligible. Log in to Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system and select: Proposals will require the following mandatory attachments (see also DF Je-S help text (PDF, 685KB)): A pathways to impact plan is not required as a separate attachment for this call. We aim to respond to emails within 2 working days. Applicants and host organisations should note that value for money is an essential criterion against which fellowship proposals will be assessed, alongside excellence and other key criteria. Search awarded grants - BBSRC Awarded fellows will be required to commence their fellowship on, or near to, the start date stipulated in their proposal, therefore applicants must ensure that they are in a position to do so. We warmly welcome applications from individuals who may have undertaken non-standard or non-typical academic routes pre- or post-PhD prior to application. These relate to eligibility criteria and the CV template. There is therefore no expectation for you to move to a new institution provided the choice of institution is justified. UKRI can provide additional guidance regarding the appropriate evidence required to complete the visa application process under the Global Talent visa. We will fund up to 15 fellowships. Discovery Fellowships may be held full or part-time. Friday 10 February 2023: Friday 05 May 2023 (forecast) BBSRC David Phillips Fellowships : This fellowship is currently paused. In all cases, the choice of institution should relate to the research environment and scientific infrastructure of the selected institution. Applicants must provide strong evidence of working towards independent research and demonstrate an upward trajectory to pursue independent work within a host organisation. All successful applicants who require a visa to work in the UK are eligible to be considered under the Global Talent visa route. We are committed to achieving equality of opportunity for all funding applicants. Discovery Fellowships can be held on a part-time basis down to 0.5 full-time equivalent (FTE). Awarded 371,000 over three years Dr Phil Kitchen a research fellow in the College of Health and Life Sciences has been awarded a prestigious BBSRC Discovery Fellowship for three years, supported by Professor Roslyn Bill, in the School of Biosciences, as his Aston University host. Fellowship Funding - Durham University Applications are particularly encouraged that are aligned with BBSRC's overarching strategic priorities. You should have an excellent track record (accounting for your research experience) and should have considered your training needs (as detailed in the career development plan). In plain English, provide a summary that can be sent to potential reviewers to determine if your proposal is within their field of expertise. BBSRC Discovery Fellowships This fellowship scheme allows applicants to carry out independent research within a host laboratory and gain leadership skills. We will assess your application using the following process. Holders of postdoctoral training fellowships such as the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions can apply. A Q&A session about the BBSRC Response Mode call with Professor Nicola Gray. We encourage projects that fit BBSRCs strategic priorities: If you are unsure whether your project is within BBSRC remit, please contact the office ( We welcome proposals from applicants of all nationalities, subject to the fellowship being hosted by: All successful applicants who require a visa to work in the UK are eligible to be considered under the Global Talent visa route. You must provide strong evidence of working towards this goal, demonstrating an upward trajectory to pursuing independent work within a host organisation. This replaces the previous Tier 1 (exceptional talent) route. BBSRC welcomes applications from candidates who wish to work on a part-time or flexible basis to combine their responsibilities with a career. an academic position at lecturer level (or the equivalent in an institution other than a university). THe table below provides such a list of qualifying competitive research fellowships, and is adapted from the supplementary material to the REF2021 . You should ensure that your proposed start date is realistic, taking into account the period required for the office to process your proposal. Within the list of references, URL links to relevant publications or online resources are allowed if they do not extend the case for support. TheBBSRCDiscoveryFellowship provides early career researchers with an independent source of funding on the pathway to scientific independence. Ensure your application is a self-contained description. Holders of postdoctoral training fellowships such as the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions can apply. BBSRC recognises that not all applications to the Discovery Fellowships will have a patent or other IPR. Fellowships are awarded under full economic cost (fEC). If you need to complete more than 1 checklist, you should merge them into a single document and then save it as a PDF before uploading it. This is the integrated website of the seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. The full economic cost of projects can be up to 500,000 and last for three years. career development plan: this must be attached to your proposal as type workplan to allow submission. The fellowship gives award holders the time and skills to run their own research group and have their own world-leading independent research theme. The applicant should have an excellent track record (accounting for their research experience) and have considered their training needs (as detailed in the career development plan (to be uploaded as type Workplan), and the research environment should be supportive and the best place for the applicant to carry out their research project and advance their career. We aim to respond within 10 working days. Applicants must provide strong evidence of working towards this goal, demonstrating an upward trajectory to pursuing independent work within a host organisation. Applicants will have demonstrated high potential to become future research leaders. If you hold a fellowship where you are eligible to supervise PhD students or submit research grants as a principal investigator (PI), we consider that equivalent to a lectureship., UK Research and Innovation policies and standards, Browse our areas of investment and support, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), full details of approved research organisations, BBSRC policy on resubmissions and revised submissions, equality, diversity and inclusion at UKRI, BBSRCs equality, diversity and inclusion action policy, BBSRCs strategic delivery plan 2022 to 2025, The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers, UK Research and Innovations (UKRI) new Funding Service, project partner contributions template (DOCX, 52KB), full economic costings template (DOCX, 66KB), animal research question template (DOCX, 52KB), Responsibility in the Use of Animals in Bioscience Research, Responsibility in the Use of Animals in Bioscience Research, approved UK higher education institutions, recent completion of a PhD or other higher qualification, relevant employment within a research or innovation environment, a position at lecturer level (or the equivalent in an institution other than a university), an equivalent competitive fellowship that allows you to establish an independent research group, and therefore independent researcher status, Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellowships, Medical Research Council Career Development Awards, Natural Environment Research Council independent research fellowships, support for people with caring responsibilities, tools and technology underpinning biological research, purchasing of equipment (for example personal computers, laptops, other computing equipment cameras, or hiring of equipment), financial support: state amount and duration, equipment (including provision of dedicated equipment or waiver of access charges), staff time or support: state amount and duration, training: give titles of specific courses, a significant persons name and their position, from the TTO or research office, or both, oversight of every funding service application opened on behalf of your organisation, the ability to review and submit applications, which must be received by 25 May 2023 4:00pmUK time. Applicants will be notified of the funding decisions by email following the assessment process. We have a strong commitment to funding curiosity-led research and advancing excellent bioscience across our portfolio. Fellowship Opportunities | Administration and support services Also, letters of support from all parties contributing financial or other support should be uploaded to the proposal under the Letter of Support attachment type giving full and accurate details of the commitments to be made. Are you outsourcing any Discovery Fellowship activity? Nichola's research looks at the fundamental evolutionary biology behind the development of fungicide resistance . 14 Feb 2022. Applicants must show they have the potential to become a future research leader. call/type/mode: 2022 Discovery Fellowships. As an administrator, you will be responsible for the final submission of the application to UKRI and ensuring internal deadlines are made clear to applicants from your organisation. In line with the highly prestigious nature of the award, this visa route is designed for international researchers, who bring new ideas and perspectives, enriching the UKs research and innovation workforce and enables the holder to be both adaptable and flexible during their research in the UK. Video credit: BBSRC What follows is the essence of the sections and questions you will need to complete and answer on the UKRI Funding Service. Your projects full economic cost (100% fEC) can be up to 500,000. Post author By ; Post date chez fonfon coconut cake; how to rebuild a small utility trailer on bbsrc discovery fellowship success rate on bbsrc discovery fellowship success rate Fellowship Opportunities Fellowships aim to facilitate research independence - some promote international mobility, some help people train or transition into a new area, and some support people returning to work after a career break or working part-time. If your IPR is a patent, please include the patent number or numbers along with a summary scope of the claims. Please note that there are some changes to the scheme this year. Please note, no fellowships can commence prior to 1 April 2022, but all fellowships must commence by July 2022 at the latest following notification of an award. Start answering the questions detailed in this section of How to apply., Browse our areas of investment and support, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), guidance on how to get funding and visas to do research in the UK, bioenergy: generating new replacement fuels for a greener, sustainable future, new strategic approaches to industrial biotechnology, the replacement, refinement and reduction (3Rs) in research using animals, sustainably enhancing agricultural production, technology development for the biosciences, Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system, template for the head of department statement (Word, 20KB), UKRI announcement removing the requirement for pathways to impact, have potential to become a future research leader, wish to conduct your own independent research within a host lab, Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellowships, call/type/mode: Discovery Fellowships 6 May 2021, head of department statement (BBSRC has now introduced the use of a, statement from host group PI (the PI of the proposed host laboratory should hold their post for the duration of the fellowship and be of at least lecturer level or equivalent). Natural Environment Research Council independent research fellowships. Has the applicant demonstrated how the work they are proposing: Has the applicant demonstrated that they have designed their approach so that it: Has the applicant demonstrated how the resources they anticipate needing for their proposed work: Has the applicant identified and evaluated the relevant ethical or responsible research and innovation considerations, and how they will be managed. Our phone lines are open Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5:00pm and Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. Discovery Fellowships are three years long. (PDF) A comparison of gene expression and DNA methylation patterns Articles | Cornwall Campuses | University of Exeter The Discovery Fellowship (DF) will provide support for researchers wishing to undertake independent research and gain leadership skills. Provide confirmation that you meet the eligibility criteria for the BBSRC Discovery Fellowship. Dr Josh Firth | Department of Biology Applicants currently studying for a PhD are eligible if they are expecting to have passed their PhD viva before 30 November 2022. The success rate for female, male and unspecified candidates is 19.4 per cent, 19.5 per cent and 44.4 per cent respectively. You can choose to work full time or part time. Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment 22. This is the only Discovery Fellowship funding opportunity open in 2023. waxcenter zenoti login; heide licorice buttons; For shortlisted applications, an expert interview panel will conduct interviews with applicants, after which the panel will make a funding recommendation. Holders of fellowships where the applicant is eligible to supervise PhD students or submit research grants as a PI are considered, by BBSRC, as equivalent to a lectureship. Prospective applicants on university tenure track fellowships should contact to discuss their eligibility. You must also upload the following documents as part of your application: Please see the Discovery Fellowships Je-S guidance (PDF, 363KB)for further details. We will fund up to 15 fellowships this year. If you are proposing to conduct overseas research, it must be conducted in accordance with welfare standards consistent with those in the UK, as per Responsibility in the Use of Animals in Bioscience Research, on page 14. Letters of support from all parties contributing financial or other support should also be uploaded to the proposal, giving full and accurate details of the commitments to be made. Selection Report: Discovery Early Career Research Award 2022 It is expected at a minimum that hosts should provide support in terms of access to facilities, training courses and support for career development. For studies involving other species listed, you should select the relevant checklist or checklists from the following list below, complete it and save it as a PDF and use the file upload feature to attach. Once complete, use the service to send your application to your research office for review. We have a Fellowship Mentorship Programme, to support success of applications to major UK and international fellowship programmes. Research Fellowships - The University of Nottingham We will provide panel feedback to all applicants by email. an equivalent competitive fellowship that allows you to establish an independent research group, and therefore independent researcher status. Our Fellowship Scheme: This enables institution checks to be carried out before final submission to BBSRC. davenport funeral home crystal lake, il obituaries Where you do not provide adequate justification for a resource, we may deduct it from any funding awarded. Typical examples of confidential information include: For information about how UKRI handles personal data, please see UKRIs privacy notice. Two Researchers awarded BBSRC Discovery Fellowships Proposals are welcomed from applicants of all nationalities, subject to the fellowship being hosted by a UK university or BBSRC-sponsored institute. (PDF) Bioinformatics Pipelines for Targeted Resequencing and Whole The NC3Rs will request further details from applicants if they are not satisfied that the questions have been adequately addressed or where applicants have not provided the necessary information. Also, where prior agreement is required, ensure you obtain their agreement that, should you be offered funding, they will support the use of their facility on your project. This should be provided by the proposed head of department (in discussion with the applicant) on behalf of the host department and organisation and uploaded as a PDF file. Does your proposed research require the support and use of a third party facility? This could be through: You must also be able to evidence reasonable scientific and technical skills and competencies, in line with the ambitions of the Discovery Fellowships scheme. Head of Department statement template (Word, 20KB), Je-S guidance and summary of information to be submitted (PDF, 685KB), Top submission tips for applicants (PDF, 34KB), Equality, diversity and inclusion assessment (PDF, 192KB). The interview was on my mind pretty much continuously. Only they can do this. Fellowships - Warwick This applies to both fixed-term and permanent positions. These relate to eligibility criteria and the CV template. BBSRC Discovery Fellowship 2023 - Faculty of Science selection process You can apply to subsequent fellowship rounds if you were previously unsuccessful, with the same, modified or a different fellowship application providing that you still meet the eligibility criteria. Directorate of Research Support & Dissemination; Innovation, Incubation and University-Industry Linkages; Centre for Research Ethics and Safety ; KU Press Editorial Board You must ensure that your proposed start date is realistic, taking account of the period required to process the application. Provide details about any project partners contributions using the template provided. You should also ensure all named applicants in the UK and overseas are aware of this requirement and provide a statement below to confirm that: Overseas studies proposing to use non-human primates, cats, dogs, equines or pigs, will be assessed duringNC3Rs reviewof research proposals. On-screen captions and an autogenerated transcript are available on YouTube. In my case, I had a month between being invited for the interview and the interview itself, and during that month I barely did anything else. Only fully completed applications will be considered.